This is the site model of the factory ( I guessed so, looking at the design.)

Side entrance view of the actual site.

Before the actual illustration, it is always safer to get the angle right, as it is not done in 3D softwares. Gave them 2 options to choose, based on their brief over the phone.
Then, they come back to me, saying that they want a front view, as they want to see teh central building. Given the wide proportion of this building, we won't be able to capture it in the first 2 angles.

Another draft.
The client come back to me saying that the pitch roof will be chnaging to an arch roof.
Now then I know that they want to show their own client( of this building), the artist impression of the new roof of the central building.
They didn't explain it in the initial brief. I keep wondering why do they need an artist impression in the first place? For their keepsake, since the camera cannot capture the building, given the fence and containers in front of it.

Came out this 2-point perspective, based on their elevation.
Changed the roof to an arch one.

Added in the colours in Photoshop after scanning in the black and white linework.
This building is quite mundane and flat.
I put in a yellowish orange sky to contrast with the blue building. Added in motion blur to give the whole perspective some dynamism.
The lineworks are done freehand. But I felt that the lines are really unacceptable crooked when I zoomed in to render the details. Got to do extra works to straighten them.
Added in the company signage, some shades and textures on the building, road and the pavement, so that the whole artwork will not look flat and raw. You may not see the details at this scale.
Hand-painted the trees using my tablet. Yes, still need to hand-draw it, even on a computer. It is just drawing on a different medium. But most people (my clients and even those who are computer-literate like web designers) think that Photoshop or computer can do wonders and magic. You don't need to know how to draw. Just a few clicks and the computer will do everything for you. To some extent, yes! But for this kind of illustrations, beside having some Photoshop knowledge, you need to have the skiill and experience. And it is not easy. You will know the difficulty in using a tablet to draw on a tablet, but not looking at it but the screen. Then you have to control the strokes and weight of the brush.
So much on the computer illustrations, back to the drawing. Added in the fence, some cars and human figures generated from 3d Studio Max RPCs. Made them translucent so that it will not block the building's frontal view, which is the most important for this illustration.
Printed out the finished artwork, and realised that I missed out something.

Did the amendments, and printed out the above copy, before mounting it on a board for the client's presentation.
Can you tell what have I missed out? At least my wife can't tell the difference when I showed her the 2 printed copies.
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