Blog and Artwork updates of Singapore caricaturist, portrait artist and illustrator - Jit

Kindly note that rates quoted do not include the release of copyright ownership.
All copyright ownership resides with Portrait Workshop.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Portraits of daughter and father

Pencil portraits of daughter and father
Putting in more lines and shades for this simple sketch portraits, especially on the father's portrait. It will look flat and the jaws will look too long with out the shades.
Satisfaction achieved upon completion, as I managed to sculpture out his facial muscle, mood and expression.

Q-digital couple caricatures - Superman and Supergirl

Caricatures of Superman & Supergirl
This Q-digital caricature (by Artist Q) category is getting more popular recently.
The client will have the digital copy printed on T-shirts.

Caricature for Sentosa

Client's brief"-
"....he's sort of "retiring" from having to deal with Sentosa and he'll have more time to golf & sail! Not sure what you would see as fitting attire for him ... can we leave it to your creativity?"

Caricature for Sentosa yachting
Have him polishing his golf club on his yacht.

Client's feedback upon receiving this caricature:-
"Oh... Wah! Marvellous!!!
You have captured his resemblance very well!"

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Caricature for Health Promotion Board

Caricature for Health Promotion Board
Standing in front of the Health Promotion Board (HPB) building.

Caricature artwork printed on ceramic tile
The client requested for this caricature to be printed on a ceramic tile and framed up.
Photo was taken by the supplier and courier out to them.
I didn't manage to have a look at the actual product.

Caricature theme - nude

Client's brief:-
"..... for the 3rd October fund-raising party.
We are displaying the art pieces from the
artists with special needs in an area called The Library at One
Rochester. These pieces are for sale - and 80% of the proceeds go to
the artists. My concern is that there may not be enough traffic
because this place is situated at the 2nd level. So, to alleviate
that, we came up with the idea of having a "nudist corner" at the
Library where guests can go get their caricature done. The
caricaturist will draw the face of the guest with a naked body,
tastefully lah! J I was thinking of this as another fund-raising
item for the night as well.

On the other hand, the team at One Rochester
thinks that the other lure for guests to go upstairs would be to let
them all know that there will be slide shows of "Anthea in the
Nude" - which will actually be caricatures of me - 2 or 3
impressions - but on 'nude' body! HAHAHA

My idea is to have nudist photos of me that will depict my life to-date, in keeping to the Renaissance theme
Main thing is to show me in the 4 decades, in nude (with taste):
1-10 years old
11-20 years old
20-30 years old
31-40 years old
I think the following:
1st stage: picnic with my parents, older sister, younger brother
on beach? Or just catching grasshoppers with my brother? OR the
typical kids' birthday party - me standing in front of small cake on
small round table with cousins/little friends standing around? Oh I
know - climbing a tree? I did try to climb a coconut tree once cos
my dad was really good at it, and I wanted to follow him. Easier to
hide vital parts if you show me climbing a tree, right? Or just a
toddler crawling on the floor lor - eating lollipop or something.
Happy memories. :hehe
2nd stage: wrestling with boys, with mortar board on?
3rd stage: bathtub enjoying with a glass of champagne?
4th stage: yoga position with palms together?"

Caricature naked baby climbing coconut tree
The client can't provide me her baby photo.
So you see this "older baby" in diaper.
I like this caricature most, among the 4 of them.
The overall effect is quite food.
The big smile, the falling monkey, and the composition.
It tells a story.

Caricature fighting with boys
Fighting with boys.
Can't be the boys pulling her clothes off.
So has to be pulled off by a hook or something else.
Can't be over-exposed. Thus need the cartoon character to do the job- he saw the naked back!

Caricature in bathtub
This bathing in bathtub, used to be one of the popular themes when I was drawing in Clarke Quay.
Came back again this time.
But this time more sexy, more exposed.

Caricature naked Yoga
This naked Yoga.
Real naked, but use the hand and legs to cover the vital parts.

If you notice, this set of caricatures looks humorous and happy.
Because she has big smiles (and unique features too) in all the caricatures.
See the wonders and magic of smile for caricatures!

The Asian Renaissance
The client sent me some photos of the event - The Asian Renaissance, with my caricature artworks in it. She told me her guests were pretty disappointed with the live caricatures done at the event by another caricaturist ( I can't make it as I have to sketch for another event), as they thought they will get something like her caricatures displayed.
Told her different style, and I have more time to the her caricatures, as compared to live sketching caricatures. Can't compare like that.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Another Adsense cheque!

Yeah! Highest amount received so far.
Results getting better.....

Caricature of a baby girl and mother

Caricatures of mother and daughter
The client brief:- "....where my gal stick out her tongue which I thought is a comedic moment"
So I took this as the photo for the caricature.
Babies are always not easy to draw, for my case.
First is the eyes, which are not yet developed, and thus cannot focus well. They tend to squint.
Next is the eyebrow. Can't be too thick/dark, as they are not fully grown.
Then comes the main part, which is the hardest part. Cannot look too old. Must look like their age.
Luckily, the client is happy upon receiving this artwork. He said she looks cute.

Caricature for Singapore Airlines

Caricature for SIA baking theme
Another order from this client.
A birthday gift.
She loves baking.
Thus, I draw her baking her own birthday cake.

Q-Digital couple caricatures in Kimono

Q-Digital couple caricatures in Kimono

Friday, September 26, 2008

Caricature for Schindler

Client's brief"-
"We are dealing with Lifts (Schindler Lifts Singapore). Her position is SED (sales engineering) Associate Director (department head)

I prefer a theme that is related to lift engineering rather than her hobbies and to show on the caricature her position too ... "

She included a simple sketch (done by her) for me.
Caricature for Schindler
Since it was a farewell gift, I have her other hand waving, to say goodbye.

Caricatures theme - holiday at Athens and the Greek Islands

This client used to order a group caricatures from me last September, and courier to Shanghai.

Her request:-
"Hi Jit,

I'm wanting to get another Caricature done for my husband for his 30th Birthday.

We are in Hong Kong (you did an urgent one for us last year and we organised a courier to Shanghai). I need this one to be sent to Hong Kong. Can you organise it for me this time as I won't be able to get the girl from my office to do it. Not a rush on this one - have about 5 weeks so could even just send it registered post. No frame required this time either.

I'm wanting a picture of the both of us. We are going to Athens and the Greek Islands for his birthday so I'm thinking an island theme with maybe the Acropolis or some ancient greek ruins in there. Me in bikini top and sarong and Dave in boardshorts (hot bodies of course :))) Sunnies on top of our heads and something that indicates it's his 30th birthday.

Would like it done in colour marker please. "

Couple caricatures holiday in Athens
Her reply upon receiving this digital snapped softcopy (before I post it out)
"Jit that's awesome.
Thanks heaps!! "

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Caricature live sketching for Standard Chartered Bank - Legal Learning Event

1 hour event at Four Seasons Hotel.
This client reqiuired 2 caricaturists.
Got Reggie to fill up that position.
Quite lucky that I have some unique features guests this round.
Made my job more fun, and easier too.
Caricature live sketching for Standard Chartered Bank Legal Learning Event 1
This guy was on his mobile since the first minute when I started sketching him.
Still talking when I was snapping the photo of him with his caricature.
The namelist was quickly filled up while I was sketching him.

Caricature live sketching for Standard Chartered Bank Legal Learning Event 2
After the warm-up, I was in the form now.

Caricature live sketching for Standard Chartered Bank Legal Learning Event 3
This gentleman was fun to sketch.

Caricature live sketching for Standard Chartered Bank Legal Learning Event 4
Enjoyed sketching him. His features were easily captured too.

Caricature live sketching for Standard Chartered Bank Legal Learning Event 5
Caricature live sketching for Standard Chartered Bank Legal Learning Event 6
He was talking to his friends surrounding him, which I was sketching him.
Problem - kept turning his face away.
Thus, hard for me to capture his resemblance.

Caricature live sketching for Standard Chartered Bank Legal Learning Event 7
She requested for a "middle finger' posture. Told her 'nah'

Caricature live sketching for Standard Chartered Bank Legal Learning Event 8
Last one.

The client saw the caricatures (waiting for the ink to dry) lying on the table. She was amazed that all these were done in this 1 hour event. Glad to hear that too. At least, she was happy for what she has paid for, though my fee is one of the highest (if not the highest) in town.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My new laptop

Finally decided to get a new laptop, after my Samsung laptop failed me twice in 20 minutes, when I started to print some basic notepad stuff. The blue screen of "Physical memory dump" error + "hardware error". I think it was about time. The old laptop was about 3 years old. Before it died down completely, instead of worrying every minute and day, or buying a new harddisk to backup my important stuff, I decided to buy myself a peace of mind.

Surfed online before I turned in last night, after making some comparisons and reviews, and I chose HP DT7-1000, for the 512mb graphic card, 2.5GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 17 inch screen, and most importantly a number pad next to the QWERTY keyboard, which is very useful to me. But the price was pretty steep - SGD$3090 with GST. Not intend to spend more than SGD$2k initially.
But after some consideration, if it can help me to work faster, spend less time waiting for the processing, and more time on work, meaning more efficiency. Goes with my principle of "use money to buy time", of course within limits. Moreover, I spend more than 14 hours a day on my laptop. Thus, I paampered myself this round.

Went to Sim Lim Square (to get colour toner and fetch my wife from work too) to hunt around.
Saw a Toshiba giant laptop in MC2 (my Samsung R50 laptop was bought from them in Funan too. Their price was pretty competitive). Good sound system with Harman Kardon speakers, but really huge (looks like a 19 inch laptop to me) to put into a laptop bag, and too ashamed to bring it outside. Hahaha.... looks more like pulling out a PC and out on my lap, or tables. Slower processor, slower 512 mb graphic card, no keypad. Price is $3090 after some bargain, with 4gb RAM thrown in.

Acer Aspire 6920G Blue Gemstone closed
Went further in and saw this Acer Aspire 6920G laptop. SGD$1998 only!
2.4ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 16" Full HD 1080P CineCrystal LCD, 512MB GeForce 9500M. Acer Xpress VoIP phone, laptop bag and 20gb external 2.5" harddisk free. (hard to resist liao) Though slightly slower processor, smaller LCD, slightly slower graphic card (may not notice the difference anyway), no number keypad, but saves me SGD$1k, after I upgraded the RAM from 3gb to 4gb (Heard Windows Vista uses a lot of resources). SGD$2.1k, and I said bye bye to my money. Think if I get an additional USB number pad, it cost me at most SGD$25. Felt rather stupid if I pay SGD$1k+ for one of these features too.

Before making this decision, I went 1 floor up to see the HP DT7-1000.
The price was very stiff. That salesman gave me $40 off the SGD$3090 price tag only.
The metallic case is nice, but felt like my hair all standing up, when my nails in contact with the metallic case. Gave it up.
Acer Aspire 6920G Blue Gemstone
Spent about 7-8 hours in backing up the current system, importing the files, and emails, installing ncessary softwares into it. Trying to figure out the file structures of this Vista. Some good and bad points. Overall, pretty satisfied with it, especially the speed (fast when I run Photoshop) and huge capacity of 320gb harddisk vs my Samsung 40gb.

Samsung R50 closed
But this Samsung R50 has done a pretty good job this 3 years.
After traded in my previous Dell laptop (costs me a bomb of SGD$4.4k at that time), I paid SGD$1468 for it. With 128mb graphic card, it was pretty good at that time. However,as time went by, the files were getting bigger, and softwares using up too much resources. It lagged when I opened too many applications.

Samsung R50
I passed this R50 to my wife. She doesn't store files on it. Mainly to surft net, check emails and do some internet banking etc. So, if it dies off one day, it won't hurt her. My daughter uses it to play games and do some typing. Now, they don't have to fight over my son's laptop.

Hmmm.... looks like can setup a small-scale internet cafe with these 3 laptops and 2 PCs (3 years+ old) A bit 'kua zhang'......

Friday, September 19, 2008

Please resend your orders.....

Dear clients,

Something wrong with my Outlook Express - physical memory dump error.
All my emails received between July and September, were all deleted.
If you have emailed me between this period, and has orders or emails (photos and job brief) not processed, received or replied, please kindly resend them (especially the last email) to
I may not remember all the (senders)/emails that came in these few days.
Just afraid that you have placed your orders, and they are not done.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Caricatures for Affinity Equity Partners (S) Pte Ltd

Client's brief:-
"I would need to do a caricature with the following requirements:
It traces the life history of a person from age 21 t0 46:
1) Coming from Malaysia as a student on scholarship
2) Graduation from university with top honours
3) First job as an auditor
4) Next job as a banker
5) Becoming a Private Equity specialist – buying companies
6) Retiring as a FORMULA ONE race driver! – racing in a Porsche or Aston martin "

Caricatures for Affinity Equity Partners pencil
Caricatures for Affinity Equity Partners ink
Caricatures for Affinity Equity Partners A4
Mainly putting all 6 scenarios into 1 drawing.

Caricatures for Affinity Equity Partners black and transparent acrylic frame
This acrylic frame was the client's idea.
Instead of 2 transparent acrylic frame, she wanted a black acrylic at the back.
Caricatures for Affinity Equity Partners black and transparent acrylic frame1
Can't really show how good it looks in these photos.
But it looks real cool when you see the actual frame.
Hmmmm..... can propose to future interested clients.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Caricature theme - Mitsubishi Evo10

Caricature Mitsubishi Evo 10
A gift from the client to her Thai friend's 26th birthday.
A Mitsubishi Evo 10 enthusiast.

This client placed this order after her colleague's order, who saw a caricature done by me, from her (IBM) office neighbour. quite a long chain.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Caricature theme - Indian Cricketer

Client's request:-

"This person in the indian cricketer costume, sitting on a potato.. with a lappy by his side....the lappy screen saver can have the batman sign... (since he loves batman),.. the background can be predominantly yellow....(fav colour)...also, one of his hands should form a sign (it looks something like the yo sign... but not exactly yo....i am enclosing a picture that would describe the sign...will circle that in yellow as well)"

Caricature of an Indian criketer sitting on potato working on laptop
Her immediate response upon receiving this artwork:-

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Caricature for Temasek Polytechnic

Client's brief:-
"This gift we are preparing is the school’s farewell gift to him.
He used to Temasek Polytechnic’s School of Business Director / Deputy Principal until recently when he was transferred to Republic Polytechnic to become its Principal.
Li Pheow traveled a lot when he was with TP so our idea is to have him on an aeroplane, perhaps holding a briefcase, travelling between TP and RP.
The 2 schools can be drawn as two separate buildings. TP is in the East while RP is in the North.
I have also included TP and RP’s logo. If you can add that onto each building, that would be cute too. "

Caricature for Temasek Polytechnic on airplane with business case
Emailed from the client:-
"Hi Jit,
Thank you for the portrait you did for us. Everyone loved it!
Selene Goh , Lecturer "

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Caricature for Asia Pacific Brewery

Client's brief:-
"the building is behind him, but we do not want the building to be very clear and sharp as the main focus we want to have is the CEO.
On the left hand side of the ceo, he should be holding a pint, right hand side is with his thumbs up."

Caricature for Asia Pacific Brewery
Can't have building blur, as it is not photo or digitally drawn.
They wanted him to be smaller, in relation to the building, in their subsequent emails.
Told them that it is a caricature, and the focus is on him.
If he's small and the building is big, it will just look like another photo.
They agreed.

By the way, this gentleman is not very good and easy to draw, as he doesn't have unique features. Photos provided aren't really ideal, as most part of his face is under the shade, and not distinctive enough. Thus, I have to pay more attention to it, trying to sculpture his facial muscles out from the photo, so that it won't turned out flat too. More like picking out something out of nothing.

The client told me that when she brought this framed artwork back to her office, her boss and colleagues like it very much.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Caricature theme - Liverpool fan

Client's brief:-
"I want to give my boyfriend a caricature of us on our 2 yrs being together on Sept 15. But I want to make it creative and a humourous.

I have attached a picture of us. Let me know if you need more from different angles or individual ones to see the face better

Now I was thinking something like him running to me and behind him is pile of all his favourite things thrown away. He is a liverpool fan so a liverpool flag, absolutely adores his job (deutsche bank) so probably a Deutsche logo, loves wine, tennis, seafood and his blackberry. It could be a background of Bank of china building in HK -is that possible? (since he lives in HK and works next to this building) and I will be standing on the right (pls make me look good hehe!) model like pose in a red dress, one hand on hip looking at my nails or something absolutely unconcerned that he is running to me...... If its difficult to have a bank of china background then maybe a beachy background and a merlion somewhere in it to make it look like Singapore. If neither are possible, then a neutral beachy background will be perfect as well.

Obviously you are the artist so I am more than happy for you to suggest something else as well which will incorporate the things he likes and that he . I did like 2 caricatures in particular off your blog,one for a guy called Vinay where he is on a beach, tattoo and snake. Another was a birthday caricature where this guy is getting kissed on the cheek by a girl and she looks thrilled. Both were great!"

Couple caricatures Liverpol fans
After some discussion via emails, we made some amendments here and there like:-
Can't be looking at her fingers, as she can't provide such photo of herself.
Red carpet and reporters. Seems like they all like these stuff.
Didn't draw her stepping on the Deutsche logo (which she requested in her subsequent emails), as I don't think it's right to show in my drawings.

Her response was "Cool, great, very nice!", upon receiving this framed artwork.

Caricature theme - solemnisation @ Dalla Restaurant & Bar, Boat Quay

Client's brief:-
"My name is Mas, a wedding planner from Love Concierge. I would like to have a caricature done for my client. They will be holding their solemnisation on the 14th Sept in a restaurant name Dallas Restaurant & Bar located at Boat Quay. I would like an A4 size caricature done based on the background of the restaurant or something related to the restaurant. As for the dressing wise, the bride would be wearing the top (photo attch) with jeans and high heels. As for the groom, he would be wearing just jeans, T-shirt with a jacket. Can the caricature be done on an A3 paper as it is meant to become a guest sign-in book for the event so the picture would be an A4 size on an A3 paper. The excess would be used for guest to sign-in..."

Couple wedding caricatures solemnisation @ Dalla Restaurant & Bar, Boat Quay
Knowing that there will be about 40 guests signing on this artwork, I proposed to have it done on an A2 size paper, with caricatures drawn in about A3 size.

A very casual and unique solemnisation indeed, jeans, jacket and T-shirt etc.

Upon his collect, the client told me that he will come back to me for more.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Group caricatures for JP Morgan

Group caricatures in pencil for JP Morgan
Seems like my contact was passed around this company.
If not, they might have found me through search engines.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Caricature for Singapore Police Force

Caricature for Singapore Police Force
Simple brief from this client:-
"commanding officer of Police K-9 unit so i need you to portray him in Police Uniform with some doggies... "
These were the doggies photos provided by her. Not those huge size one.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Caricatures for Spencer Stuart (HK)

Caricatures for Spencer Stuart (HK)  pencil sketch
Client's brief:-
"1. Irene - hiking outfit
2. Anita – Japanese outfit (always eating)
3. Stella – Doctor uniform
4. Alice - computer in front – data entry
5. Belinda – portraying like a teacher, always talking
6. Margaret – vanity queen
7. Geraldine – Dancing queen
8. Jane – arranging flowers
9. Martin – wearing a t-shirt & shorts with sun-glasses, holding a blackberry"

Caricatures for Spencer Stuart (HK) ink
All different themes.
Just like the Microsoft job.
Can't give them a common setting, in this case.
Caricatures for Spencer Stuart (HK) colour
Caricatures for Spencer Stuart (HK) framed
Framed up with inscription on metal plate.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Caricature for Singapore Airlines

Caricature for Singapore Airline singer
A singing theme caricature for him.
I chose a sculptural approach for the execution of the hair and the face.
His face was pretty round. This style should bring out his facial muscle better, given that it was not done in colour.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Caricature for Ogilvy & Mather Asia/Pacific Singapore

Returned client's brief (pretty similar as previous job placed in last August):-
"Here's what we need drawn.

A lady named Yanti running away from 5 Giant HUGGIES Diapers (who are
running towards her) and 5 Giant KOTEX Sanitary Napkins (flying above her).
She is running towards a nice looking bridge which is linked to NEW ZEALAND
which is filled with many nice houses and many white + black sheeps.

(... you may recall but I did request for a similar visual to be drawn
about a year ago...)

(See attached file: 2599_001.pdf)

Thus visual should include:
Main lady character : Yanti
5 Giant Huggies Diapers
5 Giant Kotex Sanitary Napkins
Other smaller diapers and napkins surrounding the GIANT monsters so that
it shows that many things are chasing after her
NZ island filled with lush green grass
4 big house (mansion like with swimming pools , nice roofs and
8 white and black sheeps

Headline Copy (to be included perhaps above the NZ island?)
"We will miss you YANTI!...
With lots of love,
From your beloved bodily fluid specialist team"

Caricature for Ogilvy & Mather AsiaPacific Singapore
Have to be extremely careful whenever I received a long brief from the clients.
If I missed out one of them, I will be in "trouble". Hahaha.........

Friday, September 05, 2008

Caricature theme - wedding with Hello Kitty and Dear Daniel

Client's request:-
"We wish to do a wedding caricature, with the excatly the same Hello kitty as the background (attached is the pic). could you draw us in wedding gown and suit and the pose as per your caricature as per attached as well?"

Couple wedding caricatures Hello Kitty Dear Daniel A4
Must be a Hello Kitty's fan.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Caricature used by National Junior College

An email request from one of the students:-
"We are a group of students from NJC. Currently, we are working on our Project Work(PW) assignment, a GCE 'A' Level examinable subject,
on Mr. Dennis Foo, CEO of St James' Power Station. ....
That mentioned, we would like to seek your permission to use your caricature portrait of Mr Foo, as posted on your online portal (posted 25th June, 2007) on the cover page of our Written Report. "

The journey of Dennis Foo
I requested for my website and blog url links in the report (which they put in the acknowledge page)
and a copy of their report, as the conditions for use.
This is the cover which they sent me.
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