Ever seen a closed , non-operating 7-Eleven store?
Ain't them supposed to open 24 hours?
Quite pissed off when I reached Singapore Indoor Stadium,
thinking of grabbing some bites before the event starting at 6:15pm at
Brewerkz, as I have missed my lunch. Nearly fainted seeing a closed 7-Eleven store. No choice, but to buy a can of s
oya bean from a vending machine nearby. Hopefully, can
tahan me for an hour plus.
The event company told me this afternoon that if the client asked me to extend for another 15 minutes. Just do it for them for free!!!
No way, man!
I told him straight in the face that I have given them a discounted rate, as compared to the normal rate I charged other clients.
Now, they expected me to do it for free.
Sorry, but NO.
Since I charged by per hour basis, any extension will be charged accordingly.
If I stopped drawing at the 45 minutes, will they accept it too, since they have paid me for an hour?
Similarly, I won't do it for free. It was like taking advantage of me, doing their client a favour, and they don't have to top up for my extra service.
He didn't sound happy in the phone.
Hack care! Don't think I will be happy too, if I do it against my will.

Noticed the sky getting dark here? No lighting provided.
Requested for adequate lighting before the event.
Just ignoring me. Never mind.

The event company called me at this time, said the client willing to pay more for 1 hour extension, due to overwhelming response.
But under such lighting condition ( I am almost drawing in the dark. They think I am an owl?) , and I am dead hungry and may pass out anytime, I rejected.
Don't want to risk my life and health like that.I don't want to die so early.

Bye bye here. I want food!!!!!