Blog and Artwork updates of Singapore caricaturist, portrait artist and illustrator - Jit

Kindly note that rates quoted do not include the release of copyright ownership.
All copyright ownership resides with Portrait Workshop.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Caricature live sketching for The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd Annual DInner & Dance 2006

This an hour event was held at Marriott.
(Can't really figure out if it was the same company I have sketched on 17th Nov this year?)
The theme of this event is "Viva Las Vegas".
Is it a warm up for the coming 2 Integrated Resorts (IR)?
They have their name written down on the queue list.
However, it was quite different this time. They are so engrossed in the 'gambling' so much so that they didn't standby near my desk. I have to get those people right before their name to get them coming. Hence, a guy was accused on jumping the queue, and made the 9th person on the list didn't get a chance to be drawn.

The lady who didn't smile when I drew her caricature.
Now then smile. Didn't help much......

She looked better in real-life and closer to the caricature if she faces the front when posing for the camera.

The guy who was accused.
These ladies below all not around. Thus he was next on the list.

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