Blog and Artwork updates of Singapore caricaturist, portrait artist and illustrator - Jit

Kindly note that rates quoted do not include the release of copyright ownership.
All copyright ownership resides with Portrait Workshop.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Group caricatures for G2 Army

Did this within 1 day.
Really stressful, as I still have many jobs to clear in the coming weeks.
This was one of the biggest obstacles, collecting on Thurs, and this was not the only order due on that day. In addition, I have to allow time for framing.
Group caricatures G2 Army  pencil sketch
Noticed the space at the top left corner?
Group caricatures G2 Army ink and brush outline
The client wanted to include a physical badge in this drawing.
The badge only came in when I was about to finish colouring these faces.
Group caricatures G2 Army A4
Looked crisp and sharp, as compared to the top 2?
Of course. It was scanned in at high resolution, while the latter was snapped using digital camera.
The client wanted to printout the soft copy for the others to keep (after my proposal). At least, not paid up and didn't get to keep a copy as remembrance, right?

Group caricatures G2 Army colour framed
Framed up. Job done.

Feedback from the client upon receiving this framed artpiece:-
"Wow! Excellent!"

He dropped me an email subsequently:-
"Hey Jit,

Just want to express my thanks for the caricature piece you have done up for me. Its great artwork and my boss most certaintly appreciated it. My fellow colleagues agreed too. Thanks a lot......


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