I like this artwork a lot, especially the hatching method near the eyes.
In the stock market, you will usually encounter cases like this, whereby the bull and the bear fighting.
When the bull wins, the shortists (who is bearish with the market and short/sell at higher price, and buy back lower at the lower price) will be injured, or even killed.
When the bear wins, the investors (who long/buy at lower price, and sell at higher price) with get squeezed. I named the bear hug as credit crunch.
This five year super bull run (usually 4 years) which we saw from 2003 - 2007, is confronting the mother of all bears (which is only 1 year old). The bears of Asian Financial Crisis (1997) and The Dot Com Bubbles (2001) are nothing compared to this big bear which started in Oct 2007.

The fall is so much steeper as compared to the rise, as illustrated in the Hang Seng (Hong Kong Stock Market) chart above. The Market started running in 2003, and hit by the SARS. After that, it picked up and started its gradual run, getting steeper in 2006 and eventually took off like a plane in 2007 (which we called it the exuberance phase).

This is a revised version of the chart, as we felt that the black background is too heavy when it placed near the cartoons. But since I have prepared all the charts, and not wasting them, I still put up them up on this blog.
The revised chart is to illustrate the following theme:-
A bear market will give back in 1 year what a bull market has taken 5 years to build.
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