"I would like to have a caricarture done for me and my boyfriend's one year anniversary (Caricature in colour marker with theme). Will you be able to create a theme on a soccer field with my boyfriend wearing the Arsenal jersey and kicking a soccer ball with myself as a cheerleader and holding on to 2 poms poms (no words on the cheerleading uniform pls, prefarably shades of pink and white as the uniform, hot pink as pom pom) cheering on for him? With some spectators at the background at the stadium. And also include in a corner "Happy 1st Anniversary, 14 October 2008""

More or less similar to the Liverpool couple caricatures I have done last November.
Only jersey changed to Arsenal.
Her immediate response upon receiving this artwork:-
"You are a great artist! "
how much would this cost?
Rates here:- http://www.portraitworkshop.com/rates_caricatures.php
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