"- My wife joey and i will be riding my motorcycle as attached.(pls ignore the red bar at the engine block as i had change it black recently.)
- i will be riding the bike and my wife will be at the back holding a bouquet of flower.
- behind my wife on the box will be mickey and minnie holding on to a banner that says 'Just Married'
- our ride will be on a path towards the disneyland castle with fire works just like the ones that they always show before a movie starts.
- along the path will be patches of greens as if we are coming from a place of beautiful greenery that feels the air with love.
- the fire works will display our name as 'chun sheng and joey'
- at the right bottom of the drawing pls indicate out wedding date as 29th Nov 2008 "

Problem I faced here, is the placement of this couple on the bike.
Theoretically, she should be higher, since she is sitting at the back seat..
Graphically, it doesn't look that good.
Thus, when I placed her face lower, her body will appear too short.
To solve this problem, I made her bend forward.
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