This Food and Beverage (F&B) property agent wanted these caricatures for her business cards.
Her namecard was rather special. It was a pocket and another namecard inside. The above caricature will be used for the exterior whereby she will use it for her company business contact, while the caricature below will be used for her personal business card inside. Quite a good concept. Instead of giving out 2 namecards, she just presents one pocket with another business card within.

This was the original A2 size artwork, which she may use for her future mobile banner.
She may need to blow it up. Thus an A2 size should be more ideal for the enlargement.

This artwork was edited in Photoshop, whereby the background was lightened up.
She will stand out amongst them. The services she provides will be listed out and super-imposed on the right, just as the graphic layout for the caricature above.
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