Client's requests:-
Caricature, I do not need it to be in colour. But I want it in black and white (similar to what you have drawn for the Biotherm event).
Size: A4 size please.
$$ Price: Since I want it in black and white, how much will it be then?
Collection date: 3-4 weeks time is fine. No rush. Once the caricature is ready, inform me, and I will collect it......
• Theme: Sexy, kinky kind of photos, something like a bachelor / bachelorette kind of result.
• They are getting married this year and so to have this caricature as a memo for them for their last bachelor/bachelorette life.
• Need you to draw 2 person in 1pc of A4 paper. Full body drawn.
• The attached you made is using ink, is it? Try make the picture to be funny. E.g, man with underwear / lady with lingerie with nice cleavage (just to ur imagination to make it look good ) I leave it to u to make it nice.
Add words at bottom on right hand side (in two lines): First line: Lin & Faizal / Second line: February 2010
Positioning of the caricature photo: FaizaL will be on the left. Lin will be on the right.
Please draw the caricature in VERTICAL position."
Changed the position of the subjects and text, upon approval of the client.
The angle this lady faced - she can only be on the left, for this caricature to look good.
Changed the date upon client's request.
I like the guy's posture.:D
"Caricature, I do not need it to be in colour. But I want it in black and white (similar to what you have drawn for the Biotherm event).
Size: A4 size please.
$$ Price: $60
Collection date: 3-4 weeks time is fine. No rush. Once the caricature is ready, inform me, and I will collect it.
Add a nice WORD ART at the top of the fairy/Nadia's head, align centre. Font size 25 to 30. Depending on the size of the caricature drawn. Put the name : NADIA.
Theme: This is for a birthday lady. She is also going to be a mother soon. Therefore, possible to have the caricature done like :
- A fairy with wings / an angel with wings. The position of the body is slightly sided. ALso, can try to include her buldging tummy which shows that the fairy / angel is having a baby... make it look she's pregnant since she is pregnant. Her picture is the one with the name Nadia. I also attached the original photo, just in case u nid it.
Add words at bottom on right hand side 2nd line : Happy Birthday February Baby
Add words at bottom on right hand side 3rd line (If the words too long, you can adjust. I trust your judgement): From your colleagues of the Logistics, Steel Stock Department, Keppel FELS Limited 2010.
Positioning of the caricature photo: Centre of paper
Please draw the caricature in VERTICAL position, the position of the body, try to make it something like the attached picture 'fairy sample body position_blue fairy with black hair' - the fairy in blue. Make the body position, facing NOT too much on the right side, slightly slant it to the left a bit so can see the shape of the pregnant belly. Add a pregnant belly to it. (i am not sure if you understand what i need). Try to make the picture look as fresh and delighting as posible. To my opinion, as long as her face you drawn still looks like her, i am totally fine with the rest of it.
My preferred mode of payment: ATM transfer.
I do not need any lamination or any frame. Thank you."
"Caricature, I do not need it to be in colour. But I want it in black and white (similar to what you have drawn for the Biotherm event).
Size: A4 size please.
$$ Price: $60
Collection date: 3-4 weeks time is fine. No rush. Once the caricature is ready, inform me, and I will collect it.
Theme: Just do some fun pic. Anything will do. I trust your imagination. Surprise me something superbly nice :) thanks.
Add words at bottom on right hand side 1st line : Happy Birthday Fuzzy.
Add words at bottom on right hand side 2nd line : Love you lots!
Add words at bottom on right hand side 3rd line : Truly yours from: Mazlina , Nurul, Noris & Sheeraza.
Positioning of the caricature photo: Centre of paper
Please draw the caricature in VERTICAL position."
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