Blog and Artwork updates of Singapore caricaturist, portrait artist and illustrator - Jit

Kindly note that rates quoted do not include the release of copyright ownership.
All copyright ownership resides with Portrait Workshop.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Caricature theme - walking the dog

Client's brief:-
"As inquired today, please find the picture of our friend attached. It will be our send-off gift for her.
Would appreciate if you can include her dog Keiko in the caricature (see also attached pictures).
So it should be like owner and pet picture....
Steph (woman) would still be the highlight of the picture. It's just to give you an idea what the dog look like when you draw Steph walking the dog."

Caricature theme - walking the dog
This is the caricature version of Miss Clarity illustrations.:)

Drawing process here.
Unfortunately, there's only 1 video captured, resolution not very good too. The rest all failed, due to error. Looks like when it shouldn't exceed 4 mins.
Client's response, upon receiving this caricature:-

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