Blog and Artwork updates of Singapore caricaturist, portrait artist and illustrator - Jit

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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Caricature live sketching for another birthday party

A private party. Off Dunearn Road. Big bungalow, with one storey-high air-pumped slide cum swimming pool . That's why most of them were wet. 1.5 hours event.

She felt that she looked ugly, which I don't think so. She was giving me all sorts of funny expressions. I was just capturing what I saw. I think quite close resemblance. At least, I got her essence. One of the better caricatures done in this event too. What do you think?

Think she was the birthday girl. Didn't ask, but heard from her mum's (the client's) conversation.

Can't keep still and also hold her smile when being sketched. Will inevitably affect the outcome to some extent.

Another better caricature.

The client. Can't hold her smile too. Stupid Flickr. See how jagged the photo turned out. Look at her right eye. Didn't notice her eyes were closed when the photo was snapped.

One more better caricature.

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