"Dear Jit,
First and foremost, not enough WOWs to be said for your works, KEEP IT UP! Really much passion has been put into it, we all can see. (Stumbled into your blog last year) I am Malaysian too so proud of my fellowmen from M’sia!
Story Background:
I have a senior manager (ex-GM) who is retiring this year. He will be 65 this month. Most prob working till Dec 09.
Thus I have started to put together a scrapbook album with some old photos and company related stuff, mostly will be staff pictures and our well wishes to remind him of us as he had been in our company for past 15 years .I hereby attach some pics of my scrapbook so you can suggest based on your vast knowledge what is best for me.
I would like to use your caricature of him, as my Cover Page. I saw some Montages (3-4 colored caricatures of the same person with different hobbies in one page). I am keen on that but my album with acid free embellishments and what not already costs abt $100 so I have a budget of preferably below S$100 or max S$150.
I wonder if my montage will cost S$90 x 4 if I list 4 poses? How do you charge for montage? I prefer with colour and background…Or due to budget constrain, will you suggest I just do ONE caricature w body and background? If so, are you comfortable with drawing him as Elvis, he really loves Elvis… then I will think of other details to put in.
My ideal idea is do in landscape style (A4 paper but leave border 1.5cm as I may need to trim before I paste on cover) below are his pet loves:-
1) Tennis
2) Tiger Beer Mug or Bottle (in hand or beside him)
3) Elvis Presley (he simply loves Elvis’ songs)
4) Glutton (he is a Makan King…)
Don’t worry about lead time, he should be leaving in Dec so I have at least 1mths upon confirming my order....
As discussed prior would like to confirm my order.
Story Background:
Mr Lee, Male, senior manager, 65yrs, (ex-GM) who is retiring end of this year.
I would like to use your caricature of him, as my Cover Page for scrapbook farewell album.
To draw in landscape style (A4 paper but draw SMALLER than 29cm x 19cm, inclusive of size of lamination card. Reason being it needs to be smaller than A4 size to fit onto Cover Page as Cover Page have spiral Wire-O. I can trim myself after lamination, but pls have paper cut smaller so lamination more accurate.)
Can you draw his other favorites ~ tennis, beer and food. Match with the words as attached sample in excel but please you have free hand the cartoons used only because I added using clipart.
On top:
RETIREMENT is… When You Stop Making A Living and Start Making A Life
Retirement Mission # 1 – Rock the (Jail) House Down
(Write above Caricature of him singing, dressed as Elvis Presley)
Mission # 2 – Tennis Every (other) Day
(Draw a Tennis Racquet and Tennis Ball with W (for Wilson) maybe leaning against a tree?)
Mission # 3 – Makan Sutra Hunt
(Preferably draw any local food - a chicken wing, chilli crab or else just a hamburger/steak and a glass of TIGER Beer)
Background : Either a tennis court or a garden/lawn to fit in the other hobbies "

Tight space, especially when the client needs to put in so many stuff.
I used the fountain pen + G-pen, without the brush this round, as it will be too thick on this smaller than A4 size paper.
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