Not sure of where's Block 3B, even though I have worked in Clarke Quay for 11 years. Hahaha.... I was there early, to give myself ample time to look for the Rupee Room.
After the revamp in 2005 - 2006 (think so), everything has changed. The Gazebo in the centre was replaced by a fountain. The open-air streets are now covered with big "umbrella' roofs. Push-carts were gone. Satay Street/Club was gone. The collectible toy shops have moved to China Square Central, and didn't come back after the revamp. The food court is history now. Think the Management has taken away the initial concept of nostalgia in this revamp.
I can't really tell what this new theme is. Perhaps for the pubs with unique concepts, and target at higher class of consumers, as it was also reflected in the high rental , after this revamp.

This is the place which I first started drawing in Clarke Quay, along the corridor.
That time was Nov 1994.
No time to dig out the old photos of my setup, to show you here.
Maybe next time.

Current Clarke Street, the street where my push-cart used to be located from 1998 -2004.
The push-carts are now replaced by booths.

See the tree? My push-cart was situated next to it.
The rows of retail shops are newly erected.
Before the revamp, it is a side corridor covered with canvas.
During raining season, this is where I do my drawings.

A newspaper cutting showing me working at my push-cart.

Finally, I found the pub for this evening event.
The invited guests are all from the finance related companies, like NextView, Citibank etc.

First guest drawn.
Very bright setting?
No. The actual brightness is about 20% of this brightness.
What you see in these photos are brightened up by my bounce flash when I snapped them.
This is a pub.
Expected bad lighting. That's why I requested for lighting from the client beforehand.
But what they get for me are tap lights and small table lamp.
Anyway, appreciated the client's effort.
Thank goodness that the government has banned smoking in pub few years ago.
I used to reject jobs held in pubs, as it is very bad for health (cigarette smoke) and bad for the eyes (dim lighting)

She told me that she has a caricature done by me, in pencil, few years back in a furniture show in Caltex House.
Wah! That was pretty long ago, at least before Aug 2006, since I can't find that event on my blog.

Having some fun here sketching these few gentlemen.

He think I have drawn him too old. Is it?!!

This gentleman is easy and fun to sketch.

2 enthusiastic ladies, waiting patiently for their turn.

Job done.
Feedback from the client via email, after the event:-
"Hi Jit,
Thanks again for the good work you have done.
Ann Lim
Senior Marketing Manager "
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