Blog and Artwork updates of Singapore caricaturist, portrait artist and illustrator - Jit

Kindly note that rates quoted do not include the release of copyright ownership.
All copyright ownership resides with Portrait Workshop.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Caricatures for Spencer Stuart (HK)

Caricatures for Spencer Stuart (HK)  pencil sketch
Client's brief:-
"1. Irene - hiking outfit
2. Anita – Japanese outfit (always eating)
3. Stella – Doctor uniform
4. Alice - computer in front – data entry
5. Belinda – portraying like a teacher, always talking
6. Margaret – vanity queen
7. Geraldine – Dancing queen
8. Jane – arranging flowers
9. Martin – wearing a t-shirt & shorts with sun-glasses, holding a blackberry"

Caricatures for Spencer Stuart (HK) ink
All different themes.
Just like the Microsoft job.
Can't give them a common setting, in this case.
Caricatures for Spencer Stuart (HK) colour
Caricatures for Spencer Stuart (HK) framed
Framed up with inscription on metal plate.

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