"..... for the 3rd October fund-raising party.
We are displaying the art pieces from the
artists with special needs in an area called The Library at One
Rochester. These pieces are for sale - and 80% of the proceeds go to
the artists. My concern is that there may not be enough traffic
because this place is situated at the 2nd level. So, to alleviate
that, we came up with the idea of having a "nudist corner" at the
Library where guests can go get their caricature done. The
caricaturist will draw the face of the guest with a naked body,
tastefully lah! J I was thinking of this as another fund-raising
item for the night as well.
On the other hand, the team at One Rochester
thinks that the other lure for guests to go upstairs would be to let
them all know that there will be slide shows of "Anthea in the
Nude" - which will actually be caricatures of me - 2 or 3
impressions - but on 'nude' body! HAHAHA
My idea is to have nudist photos of me that will depict my life to-date, in keeping to the Renaissance theme
Main thing is to show me in the 4 decades, in nude (with taste):
1-10 years old
11-20 years old
20-30 years old
31-40 years old
I think the following:
1st stage: picnic with my parents, older sister, younger brother
on beach? Or just catching grasshoppers with my brother? OR the
typical kids' birthday party - me standing in front of small cake on
small round table with cousins/little friends standing around? Oh I
know - climbing a tree? I did try to climb a coconut tree once cos
my dad was really good at it, and I wanted to follow him. Easier to
hide vital parts if you show me climbing a tree, right? Or just a
toddler crawling on the floor lor - eating lollipop or something.
Happy memories. :hehe
2nd stage: wrestling with boys, with mortar board on?
3rd stage: bathtub enjoying with a glass of champagne?
4th stage: yoga position with palms together?"

The client can't provide me her baby photo.
So you see this "older baby" in diaper.
I like this caricature most, among the 4 of them.
The overall effect is quite food.
The big smile, the falling monkey, and the composition.
It tells a story.

Fighting with boys.
Can't be the boys pulling her clothes off.
So has to be pulled off by a hook or something else.
Can't be over-exposed. Thus need the cartoon character to do the job- he saw the naked back!

This bathing in bathtub, used to be one of the popular themes when I was drawing in Clarke Quay.
Came back again this time.
But this time more sexy, more exposed.

This naked Yoga.
Real naked, but use the hand and legs to cover the vital parts.
If you notice, this set of caricatures looks humorous and happy.
Because she has big smiles (and unique features too) in all the caricatures.
See the wonders and magic of smile for caricatures!

The client sent me some photos of the event - The Asian Renaissance, with my caricature artworks in it. She told me her guests were pretty disappointed with the live caricatures done at the event by another caricaturist ( I can't make it as I have to sketch for another event), as they thought they will get something like her caricatures displayed.
Told her different style, and I have more time to the her caricatures, as compared to live sketching caricatures. Can't compare like that.
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