Blog and Artwork updates of Singapore caricaturist, portrait artist and illustrator - Jit

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Schoolism Assignment 5 - painting techniques...

School Assignment 5 - warm up sketch of Scottk
School Assignment 5 - sketch 1 of Scottk
School Assignment 5 - sketch 1a of Scottk
School Assignment 5 - sketches 2 of Scottk
School Assignment 5 - sketch 3 of Scottk
School Assignment 5 - sketch 4 of Scottk
Sketches of one of the citizens - Scottk.
School Assignment 5 - sketch 5 of Scottk

School Assignment 5 - sketches  of Chris
Thumbnail sketches of another citizen - Chris.
School Assignment 5 - sketch 1 of Chris
School Assignment 5 - sketch 2 of Chris

School Assignment 5 - sketch 1 of Forest Whitaker
Sketches of Forest Whitaker....
School Assignment 5 - sketch 2 of Forest Whitaker
School Assignment 5 - sketch 3 of Forest Whitaker

Schoolism Assignment 5 - sketch 04 of Forest Whitaker
School Assignment 5 - caricature of Forest Whitaker - 1 small
Using Split-Complementary Palette (combination of the maincolor with the two colors on either side of its complementary colour ) which I have just learnt, on Forest Whitaker.
I used red as my main colour, yellow green as my yellow, and blue green as my blue.
In this case, the palette will have limited colours, but the combination of these colours will be in harmony.
School Assignment 5 - caricature of Forest Whitaker - 2 small
It is not meant to match the colours on the reference photo, but get close to it using the limited colour palette and colour temperature, and values.
School Assignment 5 - caricature of Forest Whitaker - 3 small
School Assignment 5 - caricature of Forest Whitaker - 4 small
School Assignment 5 - caricature of Forest Whitaker - 5 small
School Assignment 5 - caricature of Forest Whitaker - 6 small
School Assignment 5 - caricature of Forest Whitaker - 7 small
I like the result. Split-Complementary palette is cool... and fun!
Schoolism Assignment 5 - caricature painting of Forest Whitaker

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