"As we spoke earlier on the phone, we planned to present the caricature in frame for our Vice President by next Wednesday, September 29 at the dinner.
We would like to have the caricature in color marker with theme - with background and body.
Attached lists the picture of him - Loo Seng Tak. He is leaving HP after 25 years service for greener pasture and this gift is from his Direct Staff from United States and Singapore to wish him well. Are we able to have all his direct Staff to sign at the boarder somehow so he has something with our names on it to remember us by? Let me know if you could provide us the service which is certainly express and the quotation for this request.
Thank you!.....
I would like to confirm the following:-
1. caricature in colour marker with theme with background and body.
a. HP building and with him playing golf (his hobby) - I will send you the picture of HP building later.
b. Mr Loo is of the big size frame so take note for the body size.
2. requested a frame for caricature at SGD$90
3. His HP title is Vice President of IPG World Wide Sourcing and has worked in HP for 25 years."

Client's feedback:-
" That's very nice!"
She dropped me an email subsequently:-
"My VP loves your artwork very much when we presented to him last night at the dinner.
I would like to share with you what's Seng Tak has said below and a snapshot of him with the caricature. All thinks he looks like "Tak Tiger". ;)
"Thank you all so much again for the wonderful time spent , the dinner and the very lovely gifts. I have already hung up the caricature in my study and dummy me have figured out the golf ball marked 25.. It is like 25 years have “swoosh” pass me and I am still looking good, hey, with aging, we lose our modesty.."
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