Blog and Artwork updates of Singapore caricaturist, portrait artist and illustrator - Jit

Kindly note that rates quoted do not include the release of copyright ownership.
All copyright ownership resides with Portrait Workshop.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Caricature theme - traditional Indian wedding

Client's brief:-
"I was looking on the internet for different invitiation options and I saw your caricature of the Indian couple getting married.

We are also Indian, and we would like to use caricatures for the engagement party invitations....

I would like to get the Indian Wedding style caricature done as seen on your website.

I have attached (1st Attachment) the copy of the Indian caricature you have already made - and that is the one I will be referencing up on what changes I would like to make.

1. I would like to keep the layout of the bride/groom and clothing, the curtains, the Indian lamp (also lit), the table with the Lord Ganesha statue - elephant statue (no chocolate fountain)

2. I would like to remove the elephant in the background & the moon/clouds.

3. I would like to change the night theme - to a day time theme on the beach - so the picture will look as if we are on the beach since the wedding will be on the beach at sunset -- I have attached a picture of the beach/sunset type feel we are going for (attachment 2) - please add birds in the sky as you see fit.

4. Grooms Face - I have attached 3 pictures of myself - please keep me clean shaven in the pictures - the attachments may show a little scruff that I do not wish to have in the caricature - just as the picture - I do not want a red dot on my forehead.

5. Brides Face - I have attached 2 pictures of my fiance (both sides of her face). She would like the same dress and jewelery (earrings and tilak jewelery on forehead) EXCEPT NO NOSE RING, please. She is making me also tell you to not make her ugly - haha.

That should be everything. Please, feel free to make any artistic changes you feel would make the picture look better - we trust you will do a good job.

Your standard 3/4 weeks should be fine since we would like to be able to have these sent out at the end of January. Please let me know when you think the approximate date for the high res soft copy will be available to download.


1. Attachment 1 is the copy I saw on your site that I would like to replicate with a few changes.
2. Attachment 2 is the idea/theme of the background on the beach during the sunset that I would like to mimic.
3. Attachment 3,4 and 5 are pictures of me from a few different angles
4. Attachment 5 - 6 are pictures of Mona from both angles (wearing black and white in both pics)
Please let me know when/how to transfer you the money - I live in the U.S. if you know of any easier way to send payment.

Thanks again for all of your help - we are really looking forward to seeing the final product! "

Traditional Indian wedding ouple caricatures
Getting more and more of such Indian wedding caricature orders recently.
This one a different setting - beach.
Looks quite good too.

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