Blog and Artwork updates of Singapore caricaturist, portrait artist and illustrator - Jit

Kindly note that rates quoted do not include the release of copyright ownership.
All copyright ownership resides with Portrait Workshop.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Caricatures for ANZ

Client's brief:-
"Hi Jit,
 Please see attached. Hope this is clearer. You are free to recreate the cartoon if its easier. Just as long as the theme and concept is there. We are looking at doing this every month but as time is running out, we thought it would be easier to give you an existing cartoon and for you to draw for us.......We don't have anymore pictures. Don't need the background as long as you have the gist of it. Like a caricature. It doesn't have to be exact as I said this is supposed to be a cartoon. We do need the text but up to you how you want it put. We prob need 2 prisoners & 1 axeman but the other prisoner can be generic? ..... The axeman is the correct banker. 1 prisoner is cartoon face with beard in corporate attire, the other is another banker which I also highlighted to you in one of my earlier emails? Anyway, can you use the 1st standing banker from the left for the other prisoner and also dress him in corporate attire? Understood about the resolution."

  cartoon strip sample
Sample comic strip from the client.
Caricatures for ANZ

A very low resolution photo of the subjects was provided by the client.
The shape of the features were not clearly defined.
I have to draw them out based on my past experience, since that was the only photo the client can provide. Tough job but fun theme to draw though.:)

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