The boss is being transfered to Citibank in Russia, and hence the Russia theme.
This is the brief from them:-
Ong Lay Choo - she wants to be a winged fairy with a magic wand in one hand. Also
by the side, a large calculator. (Why? She always makes things happen when push
comes to shove and she is always calculating numbers, costs, profitability, etc...)
Paul Hode - He warts to be drawn up in a kimono. Just as in the pidura.
Dennis Tan ~ he wants to be a juggler- He wants to Juggle 4 things - a small building,
$$$$, Dunan, Shit. (Because he is always juggling between getting in Revenues,
branch expansion projects, thorny issues and all kinds of shit that comes in the way.)
Paul Nah - he wants to have a body of a durian. (because Joel hates durians and he
made him eat one )
Roy Phua - he wants to be a Jedi Knight Gust like in star wars). (Why, he is the one (g)
always protecting the budget and expenses and ensuring the good of everyone)
Marco Low - dream as Elvis holding on to a mic.
-Sunny Quek - he wants to have a body of a sexy fat cat. (Why? Because Joel's
favourite are his cats at home and he loves them to death)
Frances Cheng - She wants to be a judge. Why? Because she is the compliance head
in our division. She ensures things go as they are and spot t he discrepancies. The
beholder of truth.
The Main Back ground, could we have sketches of Singapore (Meriion) on one side &
Russia landmarks on the other side.
Joel Komreich —
To be dressed in Russian Outfit. Because he is going there to be the Country Business
Manager of Russia. To Russia with Love.
Aruna Raghavan - She wants her face on a Mona Lisa painting. The edges of the
painting make it have the ridges of a postage stamp. So this looks like it is a stamp withher face on it. She loves the arts
Pl^oSshu - always carrying a big bag and Tons of papers in one hand , shuffling between Esplanade branch office and MilleniaTower Head office. She will be carrying a lot of papers and in Mrs incredible suite.
See how I transfer it into the group caricature.
First, the draft of the placement and theme of each character.

The detail pencil sketch of the caricatures.

Inking in the caricatures.

The colouring process.

Finished artwork.

Framed caricature artwork.

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