Blog and Artwork updates of Singapore caricaturist, portrait artist and illustrator - Jit

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Friday, February 22, 2008

Some cover sketches proposal for CNB (Central Narcotics Bureau) Singapore)

An illustration project for CNB, via Outlook Editorial and Research.

I have to illustrate one book cover, and 36 illustrations of the 18 winning essays (results out around mid to end-April) and they would need the artwork finalised by mid-June.

This is the first stage, in which the CNB is seeking the right direction and style for the book cover. The theme is "Be Cool, Say No!" to drugs, targeting at teenagers of age around 11-12 years old (upper primary students).

Life is fun, say no to drug sketch
First draft I showed the client when he came to my shop.
After showing CNB, he requested for additional 3 more different sketches.

His requests:-
" two "cool" kids jumping into the air and giving each other a high-five (maybe one of them can be wearing sunglasses, and their t-shirts could say "No!" on them)
- kids with some sort of sports equipment (scooter, football or skateboard, etc.)
- kids in a band (playing drums or guitar) and shouting "No!", or maybe with "No!" on the front of the bass drum"

Cover sketch - Option A
This is what the client (Outlook) has in mind.
Don't really like it.

Cover sketch - Option B
Modified based on what the client wanted.
Have a bird's eye view so that the index finger (signifying "No") stands out better.
Graphicall, I think it looks better.

Cover sketch - Option C
This one is my favourite among the 3 sketches, as the "No drugs" theme is more vivid.

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